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I want you to be sexy and open for your date so I can watch my slave. If you don't, I will leave. You move slowly off the wall and start to return to ththe table. Your legs are wobbly from the intensity of my fingers inside your pussy. I watch from the bar as the drinks flow easily and your date is becoming more amorous. I can see him rubbing your leg as he makes a point and I watch as he pulls you up onto the dance floor during a slow dance. Your eyes meet mine as he pulls you close. You mouth the words "I want you so badly. Please!!" Over your dates shoulder. I just smile and silently tell you to do more. You now know what to do and you smile at me as I watch your hand snake down between the two of you and start to rub his cock. Your eyes never leave mine as you rub his cock for the rest of the dance. You retrun to your table and your date is obviously in a bit of discomfort trying to hide his erection. He starts to get more bold as he tries to reach deeper under the table to try. Making me Mickey just so ... So happy in this “dark sacred night,” thinking to Nell, to her, to myself, to Mickey, “what a wonderful, wonderful world.” I could almost hear ‘Satchmo’ Louie Armstrong singing softly in the nearby trees by the lake, as I returned back to earth.Being with Pete made me not care that we had wasted a night in the backyard, when we could have been doing pretty much the same thing in my nice comfortable bed. Inside, without all the mosquitoes, and those smoky PIC coils ... Pushing my many doubts away for another day.Not doubts about fucking Pete. No, loving my wonderful caring little brother was absolutely the right thing for me. Those doubts were doubts about whether it was it really the right thing for me to do to, or maybe for Peter. We could not ever tell anyone else about our love.It would be pretty easy to hide in plain sight. It was completely natural for siblings to do things, lots of things together and to be really close. But not to be intimate. Not.
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